Microsoft deprecates support for XBAP WPF apps in version 5.3 of the Media Center SDK

I downloaded and installed the latest version of the Media Center SDK just now, and was a bit surprised to see that WPF apps are now officially deprecated as a supported way of extending Windows Media Center on Vista. There’s no big announcement around this so far, it’s almost just a footnote in the “What’s

WPF XBAP apps and UAC

Here’s an interesting thing I learned the other day, which wasn’t obvious to me. If you have an XBAP WPF application that tries to access files at the location identified by CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA (Environment.SpecialFolders.CommonApplicationData in .Net 2.0/3.0) they need to be marked with Read/Write permissions for “Everyone”. Otherwise File Virtualization kicks in and Vista creates copies of the